Exit Music (For a Film)

A friend and I made a cover of Radiohead’s Exit Music (For a Film), as a lockdown project for a local (virtual) open-mic night. I wanted us to make it as close to the original as we could. It took me about a month to work out the Mellotron sounds, and the bass fuzz sound. James did great with the acoustic guitar and although the original had a tremelo guitar rather than pedal, it works.

I recorded the vocals once as a test, thinking that I would record them again later in a less noisy environment. But no matter how many times I tried, I just couldn’t perform it so well again so I kept the noisy version. More recently I’ve learned how to remove noise more effectively, so I treat this is as a measure of progress.

The accompanying video was filmed by my son Billy and stars my wife Sarah alongside me. Video and music production by Million Headed Monster.

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